Early last week, IWW member Shan Braxton was returned to a general population dorm after months of high security housing. He's supposed to be coming home in late November and was relieved to finally be in a less restrictive unit in preparation for his release. On Wednesday October 14, a Correctional Officer came to his dorm and told him, "Pack up your stuff. You're going back to Tier 1". They claimed that they're protecting him from an enemy on Tier 4, but they've got him set up in a way that anyone could come to his cell and attack him. Shan was asked to release the prison from liability in the case of an attack, and he cooperated in order to stay in general population and out of special handling. Now they’re trying to put him back in leg irons and in administrative segregation (solitary confinement). That this is cruel and unusual goes without saying. We suspect that they are antagonizing Shan to get him to act out so that they can keep him in captivity. Additionally, he has barely received any medical treatment despite having multiple comorbidities including diabeties. His blood sugar was low Tuesday, and his mother has to call the medical caseworker every week to make sure he gets his insulin. Shan wants to be back in general population and not in special handling (collar and leg irons). Take a few minutes to make some calls to amplify his demands.
then call these numbers
and say something like... Hi, I’m calling about Shan Braxton, DOC# 403591. I’m concerned because I heard that Shan has been taken to solitary confinement and put in restraints. I’m calling on Shan’s behalf to request that he is taken out of restraints and returned to general population. He is scheduled to be released next month and there is no reason that he needs to be in a restrictive unit or in restraints. Shan also has diabetes which he has not been getting medical treatment for. Please check with your medical staff to ensure that he is getting the insulin he needs to regulate his low blood sugar.
A US district court recently ordered that the IRS end its exclusion of incarcerated people from stimulus payments under the CARES Act. In order for a non filer to receive a check, they have to complete and mail an IRS form 1040 by October 15 or have a loved one complete it online by November 21. Given the short notice and the obstacles to filing presented by incarceration, we think that the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services should be responsible for giving everyone in its custody notice of this decision and distributing the form. This isn't gonna happen unless they feel like their jobs are on the line. Take a moment to send an email and make some calls to make sure they do. Believe us, we don't like to spend our time calling prison admins or senators either, but it's worth a shot.
Here's some helpful information on how to help your friend or loved one file
Hello, I am calling to request that the Maryland Division of Corrections notify everyone in its custody that they are eligible to receive a $12 stimulus payment under the CARES Act. I also request that you distribute IRS Form 1040 and instructions for completing it immediately, as the filing deadline is November 21. I hope your office will work to facilitate compliance with the US Federal District Court Order. Numbers Start at the top and call as many as you have time for. DPSCS Administrators SECRETARY Robert Green: (410) 339-5005, (410) 209-4014 e-mail: [email protected] CHIEF OF STAFF Rachel E. Sessa (410) 339-5022 e-mail: [email protected] Anthony A. Gaskins, Special Assistant (410) 339-5011 e-mail: [email protected] OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS Valorie L. Sanders, Acting Director (410) 339-5009 e-mail: [email protected] OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT & LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS Catherine C. Kahl, Acting Director (410) 260-6070, (410) 339-5022; e-mail: [email protected] Prisons
Elected Officials LAWRENCE J. HOGAN, JR., Governor State House 410-974-3901; 1-800-811-8336 (toll free, Maryland) e-mail, see Office of Lt. Governor State House 410-974-2461; 1-800-811-8336 (toll free) e-mail: [email protected] BRIAN E. FROSH, Attorney General 410-576-6300; fax: 410-576-6404 e-mail:[email protected] BENJAMIN L. CARDIN U.S. Senator from Maryland 202-224-4524; fax: 202-224-1651 410-962-4436; fax: 410-962-4156 CHRISTOPHER VAN HOLLEN, JR. U.S. Senator, Maryland 667-212-4610; fax: 301-545-1512 KWEISI MFUME U.S. Representative, 7th Congressional District 6 202-225-4741 410-685-9199 |
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